Standard Rates Effective September 2018


Basic recording kit + labour – 4 Hours (Half a Day):                                                             AUD650 excl. 10%gst

Basic recording kit + labour – 8 Hours day:                                                                          AUD850 excl. 10%gst

Overtime Per Hour over 8 Hours:                                                                                         AUD125 excl. 10%gst

Basic Recording kit + labour Weekly rate package (5 days):                                               AUD3,250 excl. 10%gst

Basic Recording Kit includes: 1 Sound Devices 744t (4 tracks Recorder) + Boom + Shotgun Mic (Sennheiser MKH8060) + Windshield + 1 Radio mic + XLR cables to camera.


Additional Equipment


Additional Wireless Mics (Lectrosonics L Series Transmitter+Receiver+Lapel Mic):          AUD225 per Day excl. 10%gst

IFB + Headset :                                                                                                                    AUD95 per Day / Per Unit excl. 10%gst

Ambient Timecode Sync to Red Epic,Scarlet/Arri:                                                               AUD125 per day excl. 10%gst

Wireless Digital Camera Link:                                                                                              AUD150 per day excl. 10%gst

MS Kit (Boom + Rycote Windshield + Sennheiser MKH50+MKH30)                                   AUD250 per day excl. 10%gst



Terms and Conditions


Payment terms are strictly 30 days from last day shoot, International Clients are required to transfer a 50% down payment and will not require to pay 10%gst as per the Australian Tax Office regulations. Rates are excluding traveling expenses.





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